“Educate the girls and empower the Nation”

Principal’s Message

There is a saying that goes “If you educate a girl child today, she will educate the society every day”. The present era sees the fabulous contribution of women in a democratic society in the improvement of a nation’s overall development. There were times when people thought that a female child, was a burden to the family and to the society at large but today the modern age is the age of awakening of women. So, rise woman, grab the opportunity, educate yourself and live a life of respect and dignity in this present society.

Through your education you can change the world: bridge the gap of gender inequality, uproot the social evils, increase the literacy rate of our country, become a financial support to your family, uphold your dignity and be an inspiration for other women to do great things.

Certainly, you are not in this world by chance or accident of fate. God made you for a purpose and He enables you to do everything possible so that you may make a difference in this world. So, dream big, for you have all the potentials to contribute to the building up of this nation for I believe, you are a complete woman. God designed you in His image and likeness and adorned you with wisdom to be co-creator with Him as mother, giving life and nurturing life too with great beauty, dedication, and industriousness to bring about transformation in the society.

 Yes, education is the only key to empower girls. Maria Bambina Higher Secondary School for girls is managed by us ‘Sisters of Charity’ and as we embark on a new phase of journey amidst the Covid-19 crises, we want to fulfil more concretely the vision of our Foundress, St. Bartolomea Capitanio who considered the education of the youth, especially that of the girls as a prime concern. In her footsteps we strive to help the adolescent girls to mature in your feminine traits so that you become responsible citizens in this ever-challenging world of today.

Wish you every blessing to achieve human and academic excellence in our happy environment!


Sr. Maria Lourdes Gomes
